A Look Into The Remedies Offered By Pine Bark Extract Health Articles | August 10 Cheap Jerseys Online , 2012 People have really grown morehealth-conscious, perhaps because of the many types of illnesses thatcan be caused by poor lifestyle and all the unhealthy food we areeating. Thi...
People have really grown morehealth-conscious, perhaps because of the many types of illnesses thatcan be caused by poor lifestyle and all the unhealthy food we areeating. This can be proven by the fact that more people now tend togo to the gym to work out, and many different food supplements arenow being released in the market. One of the most popularantioxidants nowadays is Tru-Pine, a formula that containselements from pine bark that is said to be an effective alternativeremedy for a variety of health conditions.
Pine bark is known to have naturalplant flavonoids and antioxidants. It has been utilized as an herbalremedy even in the mid-1500s for sailors who were suffering fromscurvy. At present Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping , pine bark is an effective alternative therapy forthe treatment of gum problems, skin diseases, colds, and even jointinflammation. Pinebarkextract isnow widely distributed in the market, which makes it more accessibleto the public.
Gum Problems
The anti-inflammatory propertiespresent in pine bark are an excellent cure for gum problems Cheap Jerseys From China ,particularly gingivitis. In a study that was conducted in Loma LindaUniversity''s School of Dentistry in California, some people sufferingfrom gingivitis were made to chew gums made with extracts from pinebark for two weeks. After the said period, it was found that throughchewing the pine bark gum, there was a significant reduction in gumbleeding along with a reduced accumulation of plaque. On the otherhand, those who had typical chewing gums experienced no benefits atall.
Poor Skin Condition
It was also discovered that thechemicals that are contained in pine bark can bring huge benefits tothe skin. For instance Cheap Jerseys China , pycnogecol naturally mixes with the collagenproteins found in the skin, which results in greater elasticity ofthe skin. In addition, the antioxidants present in Tru-Pineare known to have the ability to destroy free radicals due to theskin''s exposure to the harmful UV rays from the sun. Pycnogenol isproduced in the forms of lotions and gels and is widely available innatural food stores and health stores. These are also safe to use asthey contain very small amounts of the chemical.
Another popular product made from pinebark is pine-flavored tea. This is made by putting pine bark inboiling water. This type of tea can greatly help relieve cough andphlegm. Some people also brew this pine-flavored tea for thosesuffering colds caused by cold weather.
Joint Pain
Pinebarkextract has also been proven to be a potent reliever forjoint pains. A study held in a university in Italy showed that pinebark has positive effects to patients with knee osteoarthritis. Thepatients were asked to take 100 mg of pycnogenol, which is of coursefrom pine bark, on a daily basis for three straight months. Afterthis period Cheap Jerseys , it was recorded that more than half of those who tookpine bark experienced reduced joint pains and stiffness. It isrecommended by scientists to take this herbal supplement 30 minutesbefore meals so that it could be well absorbed into the blood. Article Tags: From Pine Bark, Pine Bark, From Pine
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