The mind and body are completely interconnected. By changing something in the body Gary Jennings Jr. Shirt , you can change what is going on in the mind. The following article will show you how you can easily release tension in the body and consequently ease tension in the mind.
When your mind is racing, thinking rationally is challenging. If the mind is ''stressed? then the body will be under tension. The mind and the body states reflect each other.
Taking time out to change from chest breathing to abdominal breathing will really help to calm your autonomic nervous system, re-balancing your adrenal glands and reducing the secretion of adrenalin; that flightfight hormone. An added benefit is that abdominal breathing can lower your blood pressure and thereby help you look after your heart.
1. On a scale of one to ten, ten being high Cody Barton Shirt , one being low, rate your level of stress right now. Write it down. Sit or lie down comfortably, loosen your belt if it feels constrictive. Make sure you are warm enough. Relaxation reduces body temperature. Create a situation where you can avoid interruption by peoplephone etc for 5-10 minutes.
2. Relax your tongue down into the base of your mouth. This will immediately relax the back of your neck. Let the teeth be lightly apart and the lips gently touching. Let the jaw feel relaxed and very, very D.K. Metcalf Shirt , heavy.
3. Close the eyes and allow them to sink down into their sockets. Feel that feeling of the eyes sinking back. Let that happen once more. And again. Become aware of your shoulders, let them drop a little if that feels OK. Can they drop a little further now? Make any adjustments you need to in order to feel comfortable. Mentally look around your body for pockets of tension. Just notice them. By simply becoming aware of tension in the body it will begin to release. How are you feeling?
4. Start to notice your breathing. Just observe the breath. Feel the slightly cool sensation of the breath passing over your upper lip on inhalation. Notice the warmth on exhalation. Allow the exhalation to be longer than the inhalation. Count to 4 on the inhalation and 8 on the exhalation. This will let you feel more relaxed quite quickly. Notice that happening now.
5. Place your hand on your abdomen, just above your navel. As you inhale, your hand will move forward Marquise Blair Shirt , exhaling it will return towards you. Just let that happen for a while, simply being aware of that movement. 6. Watch how the breath is drawn down to the abdomen simply by placing the hand there. Notice how your breathing is slower and deeper and you feel calmer in mind and body. Keep noticing this. If the mind wanders off, just gently coax it back to noticing the breath.
7. Practise this at least twice a day, perhaps on waking and when you go to bed. This will train your unconscious mind to be able to quickly take you into abdominal breathing and hence relaxation. Rate your stress level on a scale of one to ten. Notice how much lower it is. Spring cleaning is a great time of the year because it is all about renewal. The beautiful spring weather gives you a chance to open up curtains and windows to let in some fresh air. It is also a good time to consider giving your houseplants a fresh start as well.
Many houseplants may only need a quick wipe down with a damp cloth L.J. Collier Shirt , but every now and then you should consider doing a thorough makeover to keep your houseplants looking their best.
Here are some tips on getting your houseplants ready for spring:
* Clear out Dead Leaves
If you haven''t taken a close look at your houseplants lately, now is the perfect time to do so. If there are dead leaves or even dying leaves that you notice on your plants, then carefully pull them off and put them in your compost pile. Dead leaves really weigh on a plant''s energy. Once the dead and dying leaves are removed from the plant, it will be able to use its energy to grow new Chris Carson Shirt , healthier leaves and keep its current leaves in good shape. So do not feel about removing the dead and dying leaves because you are simply giving your plants a chance to renew their energy towards good health; not to mention that the plants will look better overall.
* Wipe Down Plant Leaves
With a damp cloth, gently wipe down the healthy leaves of your plants. By carefully wiping down the leaves of your plants, you will remove any dust that has settled of their surfaces over winter and give them a nice shine. You will notice that their color becomes more vibrant without the layer of dust. This is also a good time to wipe down the leaves of your rubber houseplants as well. For silk houseplants, you should follow your manufacturer''s instructions because some real 100% silk houseplants cannot be cleaned with water because it would ruin the silk material. If you are unsure Frank Clark Jersey , test a small area of the plant to ensure that you can clean it with water without ruining it.
* Re-pot Growing Plants and Flowers
If your plants and flowers look as though they are outgrowing their pot, then it may be time to give them a new home. Repotting a growing plant or flower will give its roots more room to grow and expand, thus allowing the plant to reach a greater potential in size and health. If repotting, check out the tip below to ensure that you are adding more nutrient rich soil to the pot prior to moving the plant in.