complete attention to others when they are speaking? (A wandering focus discourages open communication.)
* Do you manage your thoughts during a conversation Cheap Ethan Pocic Jersey , focusing them on understanding what the other person is saying? (Effective listening requires more concentration than any other form of communication. If you are thinking about anything other than what the person is saying, you are defeating your ability to understand.)
* Do you postpone preparing your reply until after you have heard everything the other person has to say? (Thinking about what you plan to say while the other person is speaking prevents you from understanding what that person is saying.)
* Do you ignore distractions, such as other people, ambient noise, and the surroundings? (Attending to distractions makes you appear uninterested Cheap Kam Chancellor Jersey , unfocused, and rude.)
* Do you make eye contact during a conversation? (Watching a person's face shows that you are paying attention. You also gather nonverbal messages, which can convey most of the important information being conveyed to you.)
* Do you convey confidence, courage, and strength during your conversations? (A pleasant manner will encourage people to trust you and tell you more. Negative behavior conveys weakness Cheap Doug Baldwin Jersey , insecurity, and fear.)
* Do you react calmly to bad news? (Anger will frighten people into avoiding you.)
* Do you encourage others to speak freely? (Appearing interested, asking questions, and treating others with respect will facilitate open communication.)
* Do you use a diplomatic, positive vocabulary? (Talking about what you want is more forceful than talking about what you don't want Cheap Earl Thomas III Jersey , won't do, or can't do. This means that in most cases you would delete the word ?not? from what you say.)
* Do you seek solutions? (Seeking approval, culprits, or excuses, discourages communication.)
* Do you stick to the subject? (Introducing new unrelated issues will confuse the other person and degrade the quality of your conversation.)
* Do you maintain a ?you? focus? (Speak in terms of what the other person needs Cheap 12th Fan Jersey , wants, and understands because that will enhance the impact of what you say.)
* Do you avoid games? (Asking trick questions, setting traps, and making others look bad will cause people to avoid you.)
* Do you use a linear, logical approach to explaining things? (Make it easy for others to understand you because it's more efficient.)
* Do you use common terms? (Avoid jargon and flowery speech because these impress only the person using them.)
You are probably aware of the concept of beliefs creating a person's reality.
But what does that concept mean to you? How do you apply it in your day-to-day existence?
Do you just read those nice sounding words and nod in agreement Cheap Shaquem Griffin Jersey , then go off and continue doing things the same old way you've always done them?
Listen up and listen real close: if you want to achieve any of the goals you have set for yourself you must cultivate an environment that supports that goal.
In other words, you must deliberately surround yourself with things that make it easy for you to achieve your goal. Otherwise you will be sabotaging your efforts at every turn.
The first place to start creating this conducive environment is in your mind. Your mind is an amazing hub of activity. All of this activity is invisible, yet all of this activity has visible effects.
The activity I'm referring to is of course, your thoughts. If you think about something long enough it becomes a belief. You begin to believe it's true.
How does this apply to achieving goals?
Here's how: Let's say you have a goal to earn ?10,000 per month by the next six months. (Question: what thoughts went through your mind as you read that just now?)
What thoughts do you have that surround that goal? Do you have thoughts like 'I can't achieve that in six months?' - if that's what you think Cheap Russell Wilson Jersey , that's what you believe. And if that's what you believe, guess what - that's what you'll receive: the inability to achieve that goal.
Why would you want to hold onto a belief which sabotages your plans to achieve your goal? When you realize that you have the power to choose your thoughts and therefore your beliefs, does it not make sense to choose beliefs that support and serve your goal?
Make no mistake about this: The Universe does not care how much or how little you ask for. It just knows to deliver. So if your thoughts are thoughts of doubt, lack and negativity, the Universe will faithfully deliver exactly that to you. You attract what you think about.
So let's get back to the example above. If you set a goal to earn ?10 Cheap Alex McGough Jersey ,000 per month, what sorts of thoughts should you allow to stay in your mind then? Examples are: 'I can do this', 'I easily and effortlessly attract paying clients and I serve them well', '?10,000 is easy for me to attract every month' Cheap Rasheem Green Jersey , 'I'm having fun while I earn ?10,000 per month'.
You get the idea. Focus on those thoughts long enough and you WILL see their physical equivalent materializing in your life (personal, business, professional, etc).
Natural Methods To Get Rid Of Weak Ejaculation Problem In Men Health Articles | July 15 Cheap Michael Dickson Jersey , 2015