I'm going to tell you exactly why you make a sale, and why you do not.
By doing this, I'm going to give you access to some extraordinary principles that seem to fly in the face of logic, but nonetheless are at work in your life every moment of every day.
There is a Law put in place that permeates the entire Universe. It is called the Law of Attraction. While this idea is generally associated with the new age and metaphysical communities, it is in fact Noah Hanifin Flames Jersey , a Law. This means that there is not one entity in the Universe that is ?immune? to it.
To understand the Law of Attraction on a practical level, you need to have a basic understanding of the building blocks of our Universe. Specifically, you need to know that at our most basic physical level, we are 99% empty space. We are in fact, pure Energy. And this Energy has a specific characteristic that if we understand it fully Elias Lindholm Flames Jersey , we can use this characteristic to create a life beyond our wildest dreams. And that includes making more sales, with more commission, and more effortlessly than you would have thought possible.
The Law of Attraction is all about this characteristic that I mentioned. That is that Energy attracts like Energy. I understand that we're talking about non-tangible things here, and that some of this is beyond the scope of what you've thought about before, thus this all might seem very far out. However Travis Hamonic Flames Jersey , I urge you to continue reading so that you can see that regardless of what you think about it, it IS at work in your life, and thus you have the power to redirect anything and everything in your experience.
All Energy vibrates. Everything has a specific and unique frequency. You need to understand that EVERYTHING is Energy, including your thoughts, dreams Sean Monahan Flames Jersey , and passions. When two vibrations are in resonance, they attract each other.
This manifests in subtle ways in our lives every day. We'll be thinking about someone and they will call. You'll think about something you want, and suddenly you obtain it through completely unexpected means. How does this happen?
Every thought and feeling you have has a vibration. It's resonating out into the Universe at a specific frequency, basically seeking a matching vibration. If you're thinking about talking to a person, and really feeling what that would be like Mikael Backlund Flames Jersey , you are literally attracting the circumstances for that feeling to manifest physically. You are attracting a situation that is in perfect resonance with what you're vibrating. When you do that, the Universe WILL respond appropriately every time.
Given this, imagine the possibilities as it applies to sales!
First, you have to understand that this is not about making other people do what you want them to do ?against their will?. To the contrary, it is about learning to literally ATTRACT the appropriate people who WANT to buy from you. Most people work far too hard trying to FIND the appropriate buyer TJ Brodie Flames Jersey , expending time and Energy on people who are not a vibrational match for them.
Think about that. Wouldn't it be nice to NOT have to cold call all the time? Wouldn't it be nice to know that nearly everyone you deal with is going to make a purchase, or even be a lifetime customer? Of course it would.
It's actually quite a simple process, however not always so easy for everyone. Many people have all kinds of 'stuff? (limiting beliefs) about what is possible or necessary with regards to succeeding in sales. They've learned that nothing short of hard work will result in success, and they have had many models in their lives that have demonstrated this to be 'true?. However, there is NO Truth to it. It's simply a belief. And if that belief runs through you Mark Giordano Flames Jersey , it affects your energetic vibration ? your frequency ? and limits what you can attract into your experience b>no matter how much you consciously want something different.
To attract something into your experience, such as a multitude of sales, you have to go from ?wanting? it, to feeling that you already have it. There is a very specific vibration to ?wanting?. It implies you don't have it. The feeling that you don't have it causes your vibration to attract only more of ?you don't have it?. It's simply responding appropriately as it always will.
Instead you have to take the idea of ?visualizing the sale? to a whole new level ? because simple visualization without emotion does not serve to attract anything. The attraction starts at the level of your emotion. Changing your emotion is what changes your frequency, much like a radio Cam Talbot Jersey , and thus changes what you will attract.
You will need to be clear exactly how you want to feel as a result of making a sale. Are you? Don't make this about the money. Money carries a lot of 'stuff? for many people. Besides, money is not the end goal here. What will you do with the money? How will spending that money make you FEEL? To the extent that you can conjure up that feeling, you then change your ?attraction frequency?, thus you begin to attract to you the circumstances necessary to perpetuate or match that feeling that you have.
You're going to makes sales from time to time whether or not you are intentionally trying to use the Law of Attraction. But it's still going to be determined by what you're vibrating. Depending on where you have your attention during the course of the week, and how you're feeling Michael Frolik Jersey , you will attract all sorts of people. Some will be a match and others won't. However, you can be more intentional about whom you attract by putting yourself in the feeling of what it will be like to work with enthusiastic people who just can't WAIT to buy from you!
What counts is how you feel.
Sometimes you'll be confronted with issues of 'deserving?. You'll realize that somewhere within you, you have a belief that extraordinary success is beyond you, or that you aren't worthy of it so