Morgan Rogers Submitted 2017-03-15 11:31:03 Deficiencies in HazCom programs is one of the most often cited OSHA regulations. This is no real surprise since most hazcom programs are bit more than a assortment of MSDSs stuffed into a binder.
An excellent hazcom program requires more work than simply adding MSDSs in a binder; it needs analysis of chemical hazards at work and training employees in how to identify and protect themselves from those hazards. Here are some things that will help to improve your hazcom program:
Use concrete instances in training - A lot of people have difficulty focusing on how much one part per million or one milligram per meter cubed is. To get these ideas across Zach Parise Wild Jersey , try talking about them in conditions like the amount of cups of drinking water in a pool or the quantity of sugar put into a level of espresso. Helping employees imagine these really small quantities can help them know how little of some chemicals it requires to have an impact on them.
Demonstrate how to wear PPE, don't just speak about it - Have trainees practice the donning and doffing of widely used PPE, ensuring to include guidelines you (or other employees) may need to improve simplicity and comfort while putting on.
Emphasize the necessity to use appropriate PPE each and every employees may be open - Many people feel that they just need to protect themselves from large exposures (like spills) and, because the result is not immediately clear, are complacent as it pertains to low-level Mikko Koivu Wild Jersey , persistent exposure. It's important to explain to employees that, with some chemicals, long-term exposures of smaller amounts can cause significant injury.
Add information to your MSDS binder to boost usability - Once on-the-job and first hazcom training has been done, MSDSs are usually only referenced for careers or activities that aren't routine (if). And, even after getting hazcom training Mike Reilly Wild Jersey , it is unlikely that most of the employees can easily use an MSDS. To make MSDSs more functional, place labels with them or add summation sheets offering plain-language home elevators what PPE is necessary; which specific careers or activities require PPE, and every other special record on publicity symptoms, managing, or use of the chemical substance that might need quick reference.
The main thing to keep in mind about effective annual bloodborne pathogens training training is ensuring that you are providing education about the actual materials and equipment that the employees will be using and need to utilize in their careers. Keep carefully the training emphasized with specific programs they are more likely to use and focus on.
Did you know 4.1 million people suffer from a workplace accident every year? That sums to more than 80 Chris Stewart Wild Jersey ,000,000 lost hours of work - costing companies鈥?huge amount of money in lost production. To avoid such situation, try OSHA Bloodborne training today! Tyre Pressure Monitoring System Requirements in the Haulage Industry Business Articles | July 11, 2016 Tyre pressure monitoring systems, or TPMS Eric Staal Wild Jersey , have been required by law to be placed in all passenger vehicles manufactured within Europe since 2014. These systems alert the driver when tyre pressure dro...
Tyre pressure monitoring systems, or TPMS, have been required by law to be placed in all passenger vehicles manufactured within Europe since 2014. These systems alert the driver when tyre pressure drops, ensuring that vehicles are operating with optimal tyre inflation at all times, and giving notice of flat tyres or punctures.
For some time now Tyler Ennis Youth Jersey , there have been discussions whether to make TPMS a legal requirement for HGVs too. Such legislation would make a functioning TPMS system a part of the MOT test, and would mean that all HGV drivers would, in theory, be operating with the safety and efficiency of well-inflated tyres at all times. However, while TPMS could be useful Jared Spurgeon Youth Jersey , there are a number of problems with the idea of simply extending existing legislation to HGVs.
The Good
A lorry carrying a full load uses nearly a third of its fuel to overcome rolling resistance. It’s using all this fuel with fully pumped tyres, and as the tyres soften, fuel consumption soars. Therefore, a system that monitors pressure drops can save HGV drivers a great deal on money and could help drive a broader decrease in carbon emissions.
There’s also the safety issue to consider: according to Highways England, around 3 Devan Dubnyk Youth Jersey ,600 accidents every year can be linked to low tyre pressure. Due to the large, heavy nature of HGVs, it’s especially important for HGV drivers to avoid such occurrences, as accidents involving a HGV are far more dangerous than those involving smaller vehicles.
The Bad
The main problems with implementing TPMS in HGVs are practical difficulties. For example, the TPMS in the cab would have to be compatible with the TPMS in the trailer Kyle Quincey Youth Jersey , meaning that before TPMS in HGVs is of any practical use, a universal standard of compatibility would have to be established.
Additionally, the TPMS systems currently required by law can have as much as an hour latency before they alert the driver. This would mean that HGV drivers could be driving on entirely flat tyres before the TPMS kicked in, thus reducing the system’s effectiveness. In order to maximise utility, rapid response TPMS should be used in HGVs.