The ferro alloys industry is a core sector under the Ministry of steel. It is bedrock for the steel industry as it provides required intermediates to the latter. Bulk and Noble ferro alloys are used in steel production as de-oxidant and alloying agent. Crude NEIGHBORHOOD x Adidas NMD R1 Heren Zwart Wit Belgie , alloy and stainless steel productions are the main consumers of ferro alloys. The ferro alloy manufacturing industry is concentrated in the eastern part of India. India capacity is highest in the manufacturing of manganese alloy.
India as a manufacturer of ferro alloys is 60 years old. The industry started with the production of manguanese alloy in the small capacity blast furnaces. A total of 18 blast furnaces produced ferro alloys to meet the need of the domestic market.
The second phase of expansion of ferro alloys manufacturing in India was marked by the production of chromium alloys to fulfil the requirement of the newly started stainless and steel alloys in India. The research and development unit of the manufacturing houses worked hard to come up with indigenous raw materials since import of these were highly restricted. This second phase of expansion which lasted till the late seventies witnessed the addition of 13 more furnaces moderate in capacity.
The expansion of the industry of manufacturing of ferro alloys was much diversified in its third phase. The most important development during this phase was the setting up of totally export-oriented furnaces with the aim to gain foreign exchange. Availability of advanced technology along with government incentives made this possible. This also helped the manufacturer to come up with new products.
The fourth phase of expansion began in the late 1990s. Mushrooming of small furnaces defended by the logic that small furnaces were more flexible in terms of changing from one alloy to another was the highlight of this phase. Government also offered various incentives like liberalised de-licensing and broad branding policies and concessions in power tariff and excise duty. Thus, the list of small furnaces was added with another new 69 furnaces.
India and china lead the manufacturing of ferro alloys and steel in the world. As per the ministry of steel, India has bagged the position of the fifth largest producer of steel in the world and in all possibilities will become the second largest producer of crude steel by 2015-16. It is foreseen that the demand of steel will grow at higher annual average growth rate of over 10% in the next five years Pharrell x Adidas NMD Human Race Heren Wit Zwart Belgie , thus heralding the growth of the ferro alloys industry. The government also expects foreign investment in the steel and ferro alloys industries of India. Many existing units, especially in West Bengal and Vishakhapatnam are expected to expand with additional capacities.
Ferro alloys manufacturer India works to protect the interest of the ferro alloy industry in India. They try to give a level playing field to all the companies by maintaining uniformity in rules and regulations. Ferrro alloys exporter India works to improve the capacity of India as a ferro alloy exporter.
About Author :
Bilal Muktinathn, a Silico Manganese Manufacturer India is also renowned name in the business of Ferro alloys in India. According this industry is going to be very promising. Total Views: 180Word Count: 536See All articles From Author
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