There are many kinds of portraits. That is, a portrait can be a painting, a photograph, a sculpture, or even a poem, or written piece. So let's look at the definition of portrait, and then examine the different parts of the definition.
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Portrait is a vertical orientation of a photograph or painting?.Isn't it? Well, yes Mateo Musacchio Jersey , that is one usage of the word portrait, but that's not what a portrait is. Landscape is also used to describe a horizontal orientation, but certainly not everything that has a horizontal orientation is actually a depiction of a landscape.
There are many kinds of portraits. That is, a portrait can be a painting, a photograph, a sculpture, or even a poem, or written piece. So let's look at the definition of portrait Mario Pasalic Jersey , and then examine the different parts of the definition.
According to Wikipedia, a portrait is a painting, photograph, sculpture, or other artistic representation of a person, in which the face and its expression is predominant. The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person. For this reason Marco Storari Jersey , in photography a portrait is generally not a snapshot, but a composed image of a person in a still position. A portrait often shows a person looking directly at the painter or photographer, in order to most successfully engage the subject with the viewer.
I like this description, but have to amend it to include more than one person at a time, as in a Family portrait, and even animals. I also must say that the pose doesn't necessarily have to be a "still position". Although in a photograph, painting or sculpture the subject is "frozen" in a static position, they may well be engaged in activity. As far as that goes Manuel Locatelli Jersey , a film or video can also present a portrait. And film and video are by definition, motion pictures.
Parameters Let's examine the various parameters that make a portrait. A portrait is an artistic representation of a person, or people. Art is subjective, so in the case of portraiture let's say that the artistic intent of a portrait is to present an attractive or engaging representation. This alone requires some planning regardless of the medium. In photography this planning will include deciding on what type of lighting to employ, as well as the camera angle that will best accomplish the desired result.
Generally in portraiture the artist will attempt to emphasize the subject's more attractive features while hiding or diminishing the less desirable features. Again, art is subjective, and we've all seen portraits of elderly people where the wrinkles and harshness of the face are the dominant features. While that is not a case of beautifying the subject, it certainly is engaging! And in fact the artist is using lighting that emphasizes the wrinkles and harshness.
The face and its expression are predominant. The reason for this is because Lucas Ocampos Jersey , as "the eyes are the windows of the soul", the face and expression are the means of silent communication of the personality, mood and emotion of the person. Although I once saw a photograph of an artist standing alone on a roadway in long coat and bowler hat with the face completely obscured by shadow. Does that qualify as a portrait when you can't see the face at all? In that case, yes. That portrait is all about the singular, reclusive, self-absorbed personality of the artist. Representing him in that way did an excellent job of conveying that.
However, in most cases, in order for a portrait to be successful the face and its expression must be featured. Humans are emotional creatures Lucas Biglia Jersey , and our faces and expressions do a very good job of showing our personality, mood and emotion.
The intent is to display the likeness, personality, and even the mood of the person. 'Likeness' isn't that common of a word, and means simply what the person looks like. As we're talking about portraits here, "likeness" refers in particular to what the face looks like. However it can also be important to display the likeness of the physique as well. The physique may be more important in some cases than others, such as in a portrait of a powerful leader or warrior, or in the case of a particularly diminutive person Luca Antonelli Jersey , as it relates an important aspect about the person.
As mentioned above, the facial expression can speak volumes about the person's personality, emotion and mood. Therefore it's important to emphasize the face in portraiture, and for the artist to draw out the natural expression that displays the true personality, emotion and mood of the subject.
Wikipedia states that in photography a portrait is generally not a snapshot. I would have to say that it is extremely rare that a snapshot will have all the qualities required to be considered a portrait! It has and does happen, but it's rare at best.
So then, how can the true personality, emotion and mood be displayed in a portrait where people are posed in a situation that is really artificial to real life? Let's face it Leonel Vangioni Jersey , for most people going to a studio or a location for the express purpose of have a portrait created is not a regular, every day experience. And in that kind of situation it can be difficult for many people to relax and really be themselves. This is especially true when the portrait artist is a complete stranger.